Friday 25 April 2014

Picture Walk- further explanations from week 1

Disclaimer: Parental approval was given to use the pictures posted. :) Thank you and enjoy!
Like I mentioned before, at BINUS they use an IB (international baccalaureate) curriculum. So, they designate sessions instead of class periods. Most sessions integrate across the content areas. Teachers only write down sessions where they will beteaching. That is why on Monday it goes from sessions 1&2-5, the students had PE during sessions 3&4.

The students after they presented their summative task (end of unit group project). The students put together presentation about deforrestation. The presentations were given during session 8 on Monday (my first day) to third grade classes.

Student detectives Mazzimo, BJ, and Pamela are finding evidence of energy around the school. Students were split up into cooperative learning groups to accomplish a thorough investigation.

Students getting on the elevator to go back to class after their investigation was through.
 Data collection sheet during the investigation.

After the groups investigation of energy, each member wrote a definition of energy in their own words. This is Zera writing her definition. She was one of the highest-ranked students at BINUS in Narrative writing based off of ISA test results. Go Zera!

Then, each group put all of their definitions of energy into one group definition.

Session 5/6
Willo, Hara, Pamela, Denzel, and Kevyn making their solar stove to make smores! This was the first day to start their last unit (How The World Works) on energy. (more coopertative learning)

Aaron and Sumin are working together above on the left. To the right we have Nurin, BJ, Elisha, Matthew, and Galih.

Denzel, Willo, and Kevyn putting together their smores!
We set up the solar ovens to cook the smores over lunch. I forgot to bring my camera with me when we went outside! Ms. Corita said she would e-mail me pictures though! 

Session 7- Math Quiz

Students took their quiz independently, switched to grade, then corrected their mistakes. Friends were allowed to help each other make corrections. This is Aida and Galih working together to fix mistakes.

Willo helping Matthew fix mistakes on the quiz.

Ms. Corita helping a students while Pamela is helping Zera (clips in hair) are on the side working together!

Session 8- Discussion of Solar Oven

Ms. Corita and the students discussing the success of their experiment of using solar energy to cook the smores. 

Session 2 as a class wrote a procedural text about making toast. 
This picture was taken during Chinese (session 3). Mazzimo is giving the Peace Sign.

Mr. Peter (Chinese instructor) helping Galih during Chinese.

Session 4 & 5- cooking! Practicing following procedural text discussion. They did this activity in the EY (early years) playground. 

Galih, BJ, Matthew, Nurin, and Elisha posing for me while their pan was heating up. They make meat and cheese rolls.

Arckan, Sumin (cutting), Aaron, and Audi posing for me while prepping for the meal.

Willo flattening the bread so the roll cooked evenly.

Mazzimo ready for Art. I love this apron!

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